A Naturopathic Medicine Practice that
honors the body’s innate ability to heal.
honors the body’s innate ability to heal.
Meet Dr. Aisha Chilcoat
Welcome to Lovis Healing-
pronounced “Love Is”
pronounced “Love Is”
Love + Vis = LOVIS
Lovis Healing is a Naturopathic Medicine Practice that honors the body’s innate ability to heal. Lovis Healing was founded upon the premise of Love and the Vis (a Latin word meaning strength, vital force).
Dr. Aisha Chilcoat, ND, FABNO, IFMCP is a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor who is certified in Functional Medicine (IFMCP) and is a Fellow of the American Board of Naturopathic Oncology (FABNO). Her focus includes Precision Medicine, Integrative Medicine, Environmental Medicine, Naturopathic Oncology and Prevention. Dr. Chilcoat views health as a human right, and works to investigate and discover each individual’s health problem that may impact optimal wellbeing.
What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Similar to the Hippocratic oath, ‘first do no harm,’ Naturopathic Medicine is based on six tenets. Naturopathic Medicine identifies and treats the cause of disease without doing any harm. Additionally, naturopathic practitioners aim to treat the whole person while encouraging disease prevention. The six tenets of Naturopathic Medicine are:

First Do No Harm
Primum non

Doctor as Teacher

The Healing Power of Nature
Vis medicatrix naturae

Treat the
Whole Person
Tolle totum

Identify and Treat the Causes
Vis medicatrix naturae

Do You Have Any of These Symptoms?
If you answer ‘yes’ to at least three or more of the following symptoms, this may indicate a clinical imbalance
- Sluggish?
- Chronic Pain?
- Problems focusing?
- Bloated or Constipated?
- Anxiety or Irritable mood?
- Insomnia?
- Hair Loss?
- Headaches?
- Nasal Congestion?
- Dry or Itchy Skin?
- Bad Breath?
- Passing Gas?
Do You Have Any of These Symptoms?
If you answer ‘yes’ to at least three or more of the following symptoms, this may indicate a clinical imbalance